Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 9 - A Day in the Wild

Today we left early to go and visit the Pilanesburg National Park.  Our version of a Safari during this short trip to South Africa.  We spent much of the day driving around on dirt roads hoping to spot wild life.  We saw bison, zebras, giraffe, rhinos, hippos, elephants, ostrich and deer in their habitat.  John got some great pictures.  We had lunch in the center of the park and had a great time talking with a family from the area.  We even had a small traffic jammed caused by an elephant that had found some great stuff to munch on.  The way for it to get it's food was to stand in the middle of the road.  Man was it one big elephant.  The hippos were all sunning themselves.  At first glance, they looked like gray shiny rocks. As we were near Sun City and we wanted a break from driving, we went to see the Las Vegas of South Africa. The building design was interesting and is amazing what can be put in the middle of nowhere. 


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