Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 14 - Italy v. Slovakia

Wow, what a great last day in South Africa.  John pick a super game for us to see before heading for the airport.  It was a very exciting game and the former WC champions were sent home.  Another upset in the 2010 World Cup.  We said our final good byes to our great hosts in Joburg and we are waiting for the flight back to Stuttgart.


Unknown said...

Hey Denise and John,
We are back from our road trip and how exciting it was to catch up on your daily blogs. Wow!! What fun. I love all the terrific pictures and hearing about your travels and respones to games, places you saw. Very cool!

Unknown said...

Hey Aunt Neecee and John
Wow! Sounds like you had quite a trip!!! I loved looking at all your very cool pictures. The Uncle Sam look suits you John. Can't wait to see you guys! :-) Love ya!

Big A said...

Sounds and looks like you had a great trip, the pictures are all awesome. I didn't notice any pics of Denise all painted up? Aaron

Mari said...

I am so happy for you guys, I know you had a wonderful time. Loved the picture and you are right Denise is a good painter.... Talk to you soon, I was looking at my Germany pictures and it made me wish I was back there for another visit... Love Ya.

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