Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 5

We got up early this morning to trade the rental car in for a new one. The other one was making funny noises.  The new  one is red, so still in the USA color scheme.  Next we headed to Lion Park.  We got to pet 3-5 month old cubs.  At six months, the move them to the Lion camps.  John got to pet a giraffe and be eye level with it.  We also saw zebras, ostrich, meekcats and gazelles.  We took a driving tour and got to go into 3 of the lion camps.  Man are they big.  It was great to see them up close.  One even got into the back of the pick-up truck that was behind us.  I think the driver was a little concerned. 


Eddie24 said...

Hi, maybe I misssed your answer. So once again: Is it it okay with you if I feature your blog in the KREISZEITUNG? Please comment this comment right here or send me an E-Mail to

John and Denise said...

Sure Eddie, that is fine with us!

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