Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Thursday, June 10, 2010

1 Day to go to WC2010 - travel day

Its finally here...... No more waiting. Denise and I will travel today; Stuttgart to Paris, and Paris to Johannesburg. Will update later along our trip. //JH//


Mari said...

Have a Safe Trip. Enjoy the moment. Thank you so much for inviting me along on this adventure, even if it is only in thought and prayer. Have fun and will talk to you later. Love, Mari

Unknown said...

Which venues are you going to?

davidsuhr said...

where is the picture of John that I never got to see? Dave

John and Denise said...

The venues are Rustenberg, Pretoria, 2 Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban.//JCH//

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