Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 11 - Raining Goals in Cape Town

Today started with a great breakfast at the guest house and then Thabang picked us up for our township tour.  It was very overcast.  We started in District 6, which is and area of Cape Town where people were remove and placed in other areas based on their skin color.  In that area, all houses were knocked down and the religious buildings were left standing.  Currently some of the original families are requesting to rebuild in the area and most of their requests are being granted.  They have to build houses that are similar to the ones that were knocked down.  We then went to a informal township and visited a church/preschool and craft market. Unfortunately no students were in school.  They are on their winter break.   Thabang lists the townships in three categories; formal (mostly brick houses and a set infrastructure), informal (tin and temporary housing with a set infrastructure and electricity available) and illegal (tin and temporary housing with no infrastructor).  Our next stop was another informal township and we went to the smallest hotel in South Aftrica.  It is actually a temporary structure that runs a Bed and Breakfast.  Ms. Vicky (the owner) has had many guest and the structure is now two stories and has two guest rooms that are ensuite.  She has talked others into starting businesses as well.  She mostly works with encouraging local children to finish school.  She takes them on trips to other areas when they have good grades.  Our next stop on the tour was a local brewery.  That is 3 55 gallon drums heated with wood and cooked for three days.  They call it beer, It is served in a big bucket that is pasted around the shack.  You pay 8 R that is about one dollar for the day and you can drink as much as you like. John tasted it and says it was bitter..... Our final stop was a local doctor (medicine man), his office was a shipping container.  In this area there are also clinics that are support by Doctors Without Borders.  Thabang then dropped us of near the staduim for the game.  (Portugal v. N. Korea)  During our walk to the stadium, the rain really started coming down.  We got to our seats just in time for the beginning of the game.  The first half ended with Portugal leading 1-0, but in the second half, Portugal could not be stopped.  They scored 6 more goals and one of them even the play that made the goal was shaking his head and laughing.  We are headed to the waterfront for dinner!


davidsuhr said...

Hi John and Denise, Love the pics, especially the one today of John with his face painted. Really enjoy reading your daily blogs. Sounds like you guys are having loads of fun and aren't lacking for anything to drink. The U.S. was sure robbed in regards to their last game, hopefully they can put the next game away early.

Edgar Guerra said...

I know your having fun in S. Africa, but this is VERY case you didn't know...LAKERS ARE NBA CHAMPS BACK2BACK!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We just watched a great game -- USA defeating Algeria! I'm sure there is great excitement with all the American fans in South Africa. We keep watching for you to be on camera, but so far nothing. Try more makeup :-) Now we'll see how Germany does in the late game tonight. Somebody has her fingers crossed.

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