Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 8 - USA v. Slovenia

Today was a mid-day game with Slovenia right here in Joberg.  We spent a bit of time preparing John for the match. (see pic of the day on Monday) and then headed to the guest house to hook up with others heading to the game.  We rode to the game with 4 other Americans, some from Las Vegas and a couple from Seatlte.  He had his handlebar mustache all decked out.  It was an easy walk to the stadium and lots of folks wanted pictures.  It looked like USA was going to be well represented. (The Yanks, Astronauts, Elvis and then some members of the Justice League) Once again we had excellent seats.  Right on midfield and next to the tunnel that the players use to walk out to the field.  We had USA fans beside us, English fans in front of us and South African fans behind us.  You should have seen the reaction when Slovenia scored the first two goals before the 1st half was finished.  We thought there would be no way to come back.  Then the second half comes and WOW USA!  We got two goals (three if you ask diehard fans)  and ended with a 2-2 draw.  Later that night, England also had a draw but it was 0-0 with Algeria.  We definitely need to win our next game.  It took a bit of scrubbing to get the paint off of John's face, but he does say that Denise is  hired as his personal face painter.


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