Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Sun Sets on Italy - Slovakia 3 Italy 2

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 7 - Durban Fan Fest

Today we went down to the beach area in Durban.  There were surfers out enjoying the waves and the South Africans were recovering from the night before.  On the Golden Mile, John and I got to play African drums with some street performers.  We decided to watch the first match of the day at the Fan Fest before heading to the airport.  What a fabulous setting for a Fan Fest. Beach, sunshine and friendly people. The match was Argentina v. Korea.  (4-1).  In the second half, we had a little rain along with the sunshine. 


Anonymous said...

It sounds like your World Cup 2010 experience is going great. Tonight (18 Jun 2010) we'll see if the USA can get a win to make your trip even more exciting.

Unknown said...

Love hearing your adventures! I would love the opportunity to beat drums....

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